21 songs
- Athanatoi Este 2014
- Doctrine 2007
- Fgmenth, Thy Gift 2007
- Sanctus Diavolos 2007
- Serve in Heaven 2007
- Shades of Evil 2007
- The Sixth Communion 2007
- Thy Wings, Thy Horns, Thy Sin 2007
- Tyrannical 2007
- Visions of a Blind Order 2007
- Der Perfecte Traum 1 2006
- Der Perfekte Traum 2006
- Feast Of The Grand Whore 2006
- Morallity Of A Dark Age 2006
- Restoration Of The Infernal Kingdom 2006
- Sorrowfull Farewell 2006
- The Fourth Knight Of Revelation (i & Ii) 2006
- The Hills Of Crucifixion 2006
- The Nereid Of Esgalduin 2006
- The Word Made End 2006
- Wolfera The Chacal (neoplasia) 2006

2016 10 songs

2013 11 songs

2007 10 songs

Passage to Arcturo
2006 8 songs

2002 10 songs

2000 12 songs

Sleep of the Angels
1999 11 songs

A Dead Poem
1997 10 songs

Triarchy of the Lost Lovers
1996 9 songs

Non Serviam
1994 9 songs

Thy Mighty Contract
1993 10 songs
- Agmenth, Thy Gift 1993
- Dive The Deepest Abyss 1993
- Exiled Archangels 1993
- His Sleeping Majesty 1993
- The Coronation Of The Serpent 1993
- The Fourth Knight of Revelation 1993
- The Mystical Meeting 1993
- The Sign Of Evil Existence 1993
- Transform All Suffering Into Plagues 1993
- Visions Of The Dead Lovers 1993
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