Xi - Into The Menstrual Night I Go

Song info

"Xi - Into The Menstrual Night I Go" (2006)

"Xi - Into The Menstrual Night I Go" Videos

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Into the menstrual night we'll go
Hey ho hey ho
Into the blue woods we shall go
Hey ho ho
Into the blue woods we shall go
Hey ho hey ho
Beyond the blue gates we shall go
Hey ho ho
Beyond the blue gates we shall go
Hey ho Hey ho
Into the lovely green sea we shall go
Hey ho ho
Into the lovely blue sky we shall go
Hey ho hey ho
Lipped love light shall lift the skies
Hey ho ho
Sounds love life lifts the skies
Hey ho hey ho
The masque has nearly begun my dear
Hey ho ho

Albums has song "Xi - Into The Menstrual Night I Go"