Misery Farm

Song info

"Misery Farm" (2006)

"Misery Farm" Videos

Current 93 Misery farm
Current 93 Misery farm
HÖH / Current 93 : Crowleymass (1987)
HÖH / Current 93 : Crowleymass (1987)
Somerville Ukulele Club covers Misery Farm at Farm Day
Somerville Ukulele Club covers Misery Farm at Farm Day
Current 93-Oh Coal Black Smith
Current 93-Oh Coal Black Smith
30 Red Houses
30 Red Houses
Current 93 - Rome for Douglas P..mpg
Current 93 - Rome for Douglas P..mpg
Current 93 Beausoleil
Current 93 Beausoleil
Current 93
Current 93
Current 93-Swastikas For Noddy  [Full Album]
Current 93-Swastikas For Noddy [Full Album]
Current 93 - UrShadow
Current 93 - UrShadow
HÖH/Current 93 - Anyway, People Die
HÖH/Current 93 - Anyway, People Die
Current 93 - A Gothic Love Song
Current 93 - A Gothic Love Song
Current 93 - The Cat Is Dead
Current 93 - The Cat Is Dead
Current 93 - Happy Birthday Pigface Christus
Current 93 - Happy Birthday Pigface Christus
HÖH / Current 93 : Crowleymass (Mix Mix Mix) (1987)
HÖH / Current 93 : Crowleymass (Mix Mix Mix) (1987)
Crowleymass Unveiled - Current 93
Crowleymass Unveiled - Current 93
current 93
current 93
Current 93 ~ The Carnival Is Dead And Gone
Current 93 ~ The Carnival Is Dead And Gone
Current 93
Current 93
current 93 news
current 93 news


We've got a farm, a barn of a farm
Right in the middle of a swamp
There ain't any charm in our little farm
Right in the middle of the swamp

Now nothing's grown since the day we came
Misery Farm is our farm's name!

We're all miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
So are the animals, so are the vegetables
Down on Misery Farm

The hens won't lay, we can't make hay
We work all day, we get no pay!
We're all miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm

Now we've got a cart, with part of the cart
Stuck in the middle of the swamp
The old grey mare, she looks at it there
Stuck in the middle of the swamp

We'll be digging it out next May
Patching it up for Darby day!

We're miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
So are the animals, so are the vegetables
Down on Misery Farm

The hens won't lay, We can't make hay
We work all day and we get no pay!
We're miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm

We're miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
So are the animals, so are the vegetables
Down on Misery Farm

The hens won't lay, we can't make hay
We work all day, we get no pay!
We're miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm

Albums has song "Misery Farm"