Words That Sound

Song info

"Words That Sound" (2006)

"Words That Sound" Videos

Céline Dion - The Greatest Reward (Official Audio)
Céline Dion - The Greatest Reward (Official Audio)
1 girl, 4 voices ( Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Shakira, Beyonce)
1 girl, 4 voices ( Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Shakira, Beyonce)
Céline Dion - Next Plane Out (Official Video)
Céline Dion - Next Plane Out (Official Video)
Bee Gees with Celine Dion - Immortality (with lyrics)
Bee Gees with Celine Dion - Immortality (with lyrics)
What if Céline Dion sang WAP? (full version)
What if Céline Dion sang WAP? (full version)
Céline Dion - In His Touch (Official Audio)
Céline Dion - In His Touch (Official Audio)
Wheel of Musical Impressions with Céline Dion
Wheel of Musical Impressions with Céline Dion
Goodbye's The Saddest Word Lyrics- Celine Dion
Goodbye's The Saddest Word Lyrics- Celine Dion
Céline Dion - If Walls Could Talk (Official Video)
Céline Dion - If Walls Could Talk (Official Video)
Because You Loved Me, Celine Dion (with Lyrics) - Dedication to Mothers
Because You Loved Me, Celine Dion (with Lyrics) - Dedication to Mothers
Top 10 Underrated Celine Dion Songs
Top 10 Underrated Celine Dion Songs
Céline Dion - Think Twice (Official Video)
Céline Dion - Think Twice (Official Video)
A Compilation Of Ariana Grande’s Spot-On Céline Dion Impersonations! (Over The Years)
A Compilation Of Ariana Grande’s Spot-On Céline Dion Impersonations! (Over The Years)
Céline Dion - Falling Into You (Official Remastered HD Video)
Céline Dion - Falling Into You (Official Remastered HD Video)
Céline Dion - Amazing VOCALS In Rehearsals and Soundchecks!
Céline Dion - Amazing VOCALS In Rehearsals and Soundchecks!
Céline Dion - If That's What It Takes (Official Audio)
Céline Dion - If That's What It Takes (Official Audio)
Celine Dion - When I Need You (lyrics) 90's Throwback
Celine Dion - When I Need You (lyrics) 90's Throwback
Céline Dion - Us (Official Audio)
Céline Dion - Us (Official Audio)
Goodbye s   (the saddest word ) ( Celine   Dion ) cover By Diana Damian
Goodbye s (the saddest word ) ( Celine Dion ) cover By Diana Damian


Come'on baby, fais-moi une chanson
Rponds au moins au tlphone
Je sais bien que ton occupation
Prfre... c'est d'avoir du fun

Come'on baby, write me a song
At least answer the telephone
I know well your occupation
Favorite... it's to have fun

Mais moi j'ai besoin de ma chanson
Toutes mes lignes de tlphones sonnent
J'suis booke la tlvision
Dans tous les shows de promotion

But me I need my song
All my telephone lines are ringing
I'm booked for the television
In all promotion shows

Qu'est-ce que j'vais faire
Si j'ai pas ma chanson
De quoi j'vais avoir l'air?
J'leur ai promis un numro un
J'suis en studio demain matin

What will I do
If I haven't my song
What will I look like?
I promise them a number one
I'm in studio tomorrow morning

cris-moi des mots qui sonnent
Des mots qui rsonnent
cris-moi des mots qui donnent
Un sens ma musique
cris-moi des mots qui sonnent
Des mots qui raisonnent
cris-moi des mots qui cognent
Sur l'accent tonique

Write me words that sound
Words that resound
Write me words that give
A meaning to my music
Write me words that sound
Words that reason
Write me words that hit
On the tonic accent

cris-moi des mots
cris-moi des mots
cris-moi des mots qui sonnent

Write me words
Write me words
Write me words that sound

J'peux venir te tenir la main
Te faire un double expresso - oh!
Faut qu'tu m'la finisses avant demain
Sinon mon planning tombe l'eau

I can go hold your hand
Making you a double expresso- oh!
You must finish it before tomorrow
If not, my planning falls in the water (is over)

Donne-moi au moins l'ide du refrain
Faut que j'tourne une vido - oh!
Tu peux parler de tout de rien
Pourvu que j'aie mon scnario

Give me at least the idea of the refrain
I must make a video - oh!
You can talk about anything and nothing
As long as I have my scenario

Donne-moi juste un heure
De ton inspiration
Pense tes droits d'auteur!!!
Faut que j'monte au moins jusqu'au Top Ten
Y'faut qu'tu penses AM-FM

Give me just one hour
Of your inspiration
Think about your royalties
Oh! oh!
I must climb at least to the Top Ten
You must think AM-FM

cris-moi des mots qui sonnent
Des mots qui rsonnent
cris-moi des mots qui donnent
Un sens ma musique

Write me words that sound
Words that resound
Write me words that give
A meaning to my music

cris-moi des mots qui sonnent
Des mots qui raisonnent
cris-moi des mots right on
Avec la rythmique

Write me words that sound
Words that reason
Write me words right on
With the rhythmics

cris-moi des mots
cris-moi des mots
cris-moi des mots qui sonnent

Write me words
Write me words
Write me words that sound

cris-moi des lignes
Qui swiguent comm' du Sting
Qui sonnent
Comm' du Jackson

Write me lines
That swing like Sting's
That sound
Like Jackson's

Des mots qui riment
Des mots qui pensent
Et qui balancent

Words that rhyme
Words that think
And balance

Des mots qui disent
Ce que tu dirais, toi
Si tu avais ma voix

Words that say
What you would, you
If you had my voice

cris-moi des mots qui dansent
cris-moi des mots qui sonnent

Write me words that dance
Write me words that sound

cris-moi des mots qui sonnent
Des mots qui rsonnent
cris-moi des mots qui donnent
Un sens ma musique

Write me words that sound
Words that resound
Write me words that give
A meaning to my music

cris-moi des mots qui sonnent
Des mots qui raisonnent
cris-moi des mots qui cognent
Sur l'accent tonique

Write me words that sound
Words that reason
Write me words that hit
On the tonic accent

cris-moi des mots qui sonnent
cris-moi des mots qui sonnent right on

Write me words that sound
Write me words that sound right on

Y'faut qu'a fasse un number one
Y faut qu'ce soit l'fun

It must be a number one
It must be fun

cris-moi des mots
cris-moi des mots
cris-moi des mots qui sonnent

Write me words
Write me words
Write me words that sound

Albums has song "Words That Sound"



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