Until My Love Come Down

Song info

"Until My Love Come Down" (2006) on the album Original Sonny(1996).

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Until My Love Come Down Track #24 3:07
Sonny Boy Williamson I (John Lee)
(John Lee Williamson)
Sonny Boy Williamson I - vocals & harmonica
Yank Rachell - mandolin, guitar, response vocal
Joe Williams - guitar
Recorded March 13, 1938 Aurora Illinois, Leland Hotel
Album: Bluebird Recordings 1937-1938
Transcriber: [email protected]

Now, you gotten fruit on your tree
Lemons on your shelf
Now, you know lovin' mama
That you can't squeeze them all yourself

Now, I said please let me be your lemon squeezer
Now, whilst I'm in your lonesome town
Now, if you let me be your lemon squeezer
Lord, until my love come down

Now, it makes no difference, baby
Um, what yo' mama don't 'llow
An come on an let me squeeze your lemons, baby
I mean, anyhow

Now, I said, please let me be your lemon squeezer
Now, whilst I'm in your lonesome town
Now, if you let me be your lemon squeezer
Lord, until my love come down

I like yo' apple in your tree
I'm crazy 'bout yo' peaches, too
I'm crazy about your fruit, baby
'Cause you know just how to do

Now, please let me be your lemon squeezer
'Yes, my Lord!'
Now, whilst I'm in your lonesome town
Now, if you let me be your lemon squeezer
Lord, until my love come down

Now, an it ain't but the one thing, baby
Now, that'll really make me cry
'What man?'
I axks you 'bout your lemons, baby
An you ups an tell me a lie

Now, please let me be your lemon squeezer?
Now, whilst I'm in your lonesome town
Now, won't you let me be your lemon squeezer?
Lord, until my love come down

(harmonica, mandolin, guitar to end)

Albums has song "Until My Love Come Down"



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