听下雨的声音 Ting xia yu de sheng yin (The rhythm of the rain)

Song info

"听下雨的声音 Ting xia yu de sheng yin (The rhythm of the rain)" (2017)

"听下雨的声音 Ting xia yu de sheng yin (The rhythm of the rain)" Videos

魏如昀Queen Wei-听见下雨的声音Rhythm Of The Rain [拼音+歌词PinYin+Lyrics]
魏如昀Queen Wei-听见下雨的声音Rhythm Of The Rain [拼音+歌词PinYin+Lyrics]
周杰倫 Jay Chou【聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain】Official MV
周杰倫 Jay Chou【聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain】Official MV
方文山電影同名主題曲【聽見下雨的聲音】完整MV 演唱:魏如昀 / 詞:方文山 / 曲:周杰倫
方文山電影同名主題曲【聽見下雨的聲音】完整MV 演唱:魏如昀 / 詞:方文山 / 曲:周杰倫
Queen 魏如昀 - Ting Xia Yu De Sheng Yin 聽見下雨的聲音 (Pinyin+English Lyrics)
Queen 魏如昀 - Ting Xia Yu De Sheng Yin 聽見下雨的聲音 (Pinyin+English Lyrics)
周杰倫 Jay Chou【聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain】MV Lyrics Ver.
周杰倫 Jay Chou【聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain】MV Lyrics Ver.
魏嘉瑩 Arrow Wei【聽見下雨的聲音】feat. 魏如昀 Live MV
魏嘉瑩 Arrow Wei【聽見下雨的聲音】feat. 魏如昀 Live MV
魏如昀 Queen - 年度最佳電影原聲帶:聽見下雨的聲音 - 第九屆 KKBOX 風雲榜
魏如昀 Queen - 年度最佳電影原聲帶:聽見下雨的聲音 - 第九屆 KKBOX 風雲榜
聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain -魏如昀 Queen Wei
聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain -魏如昀 Queen Wei
A-Lin 黃麗玲《聽見下雨的聲音》-《我是歌手3》2015巔峰會 HD
A-Lin 黃麗玲《聽見下雨的聲音》-《我是歌手3》2015巔峰會 HD
Jay Chou 周杰倫 - Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin 聽見下雨的聲音 (Pinyin + English Lyrics)
Jay Chou 周杰倫 - Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin 聽見下雨的聲音 (Pinyin + English Lyrics)
聽見下雨的聲音-魏如昀 Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin - Rhythm of the Rain by Queen - cover
聽見下雨的聲音-魏如昀 Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin - Rhythm of the Rain by Queen - cover
听见下雨的声音  魏如昀 Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin
听见下雨的声音 魏如昀 Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin
周杰倫 2015【聽見下雨的聲音】Live
周杰倫 2015【聽見下雨的聲音】Live
听见下雨的声音-魏如昀 (有声)Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin- Wei Ru Yun (Audio)
听见下雨的声音-魏如昀 (有声)Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin- Wei Ru Yun (Audio)
[Vietsub + Kara] Lắng Nghe Tiếng Mưa Rơi 听见下雨的声音 Rhythm of the Rain - Jay Chou
[Vietsub + Kara] Lắng Nghe Tiếng Mưa Rơi 听见下雨的声音 Rhythm of the Rain - Jay Chou
(Cover) Queen 魏如昀 -  听见下雨的声音 Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin
(Cover) Queen 魏如昀 - 听见下雨的声音 Ting Jian Xia Yu De Sheng Yin
被周深唱哭!周深深情演绎《听见下雨的声音》超好听!方文山直呼:天籁!#方文山 #henry  #周杰伦
被周深唱哭!周深深情演绎《听见下雨的声音》超好听!方文山直呼:天籁!#方文山 #henry #周杰伦
Jay Chou - Rhythm of the Rain (Audio)
Jay Chou - Rhythm of the Rain (Audio)


竹篱上 停留着 蜻蜓
Zhu li shang ting liu zhe qing ting
On the bamboo fence, there is a dragonfly stopping by.
玻璃瓶里插满 小小 森林
Po li ping li cha man xiao xiao sen lin
The glass bottle is filled with a small forest.
青春 嫩绿的很 鲜明
Qing chun nen lv de hen xian ming
The light greens of youth are bright.

百叶窗 折射的 光影
Bai ye chuang zhe she de guang yin
The light shone from the shutters
像有着心事的 一张 表情
Xiang you zhe xin shi de yi zhang biao qing
Seems like an expression full of worries.
而你 低头拆信 想知道关于我的事情
Er ni di tou chai xin, xiang zhi dao guan yu wo de shi qing
You lower your head to open the letter, wanting to know the things about me.

青苔入镜 檐下风铃 摇晃曾经
Qing tai ru jing, yan xia feng ling, yao huang ceng jing
The mosses enter, the wind chimes under the roof, swaying the past.
回忆是 一行行无从 剪接的风景 爱始终年轻
Hui yi shi yi hang hang cong jian jie de feng jing, ai shi xhong nian qing
Memories are rows of scenery which cannot be edited together. Love is after all young.

而我听见 下雨的声音
Er wo ting jian xia yu de sheng yin
I heard the rhythm of the rain
想起你用唇语 说爱情
Xiang qi yong chun yu shuo ai qing
And thought of the love you expressed with your lips (Lips reading).
幸福也可以 很安静
Xing fu ye ke yi hen an jing
Happiness can be really quiet.
我付出一直 很小心
Wo fu chu yi zhi hen xiao xin
My sacrifice has been really careful.

终于听见 下雨的声音
Zong yu ting jian xia yu de sheng yin
I finally heard the rhythm of the rain.
于是我的世界 被吵醒
Yu shi wo de shi jie bei chao xing
Therefore, my world got awakened.
就怕情绪红 了眼睛
Jiu pa qing xu ku hong le yan jing
I am only afraid that feelings will turn my eyes red.
不舍的泪在 彼此的 脸上透明
Bu she de lei zai bi ci de lian shang tou ming
The sad (because we couldn't bear) tears are transparent on our faces.

爱在过境 缘分不停 谁在担心
Ai zai guo jing yuan fen bu ting, shui zai dan xin
The fate doesn't stop when love enters the border. Who is worrying?
窗台上 滴落的雨滴 轻敲着伤心 凄美而动听
Chuang tai xia di luo de yu di qing qiao zhe shang xin, qi mei er dong ting
The raindrops dropping on the window is hitting our sadness lightly. It is painfully beautiful but pleasant to listen to.

而我听见 下雨的声音
Er wo ting jian xia yu de sheng yin
I heard the rhythm of the rain.
想起你用唇语 说爱情
Xiang qi ni yong chun yu shuo ai qing
I thought if the love you expressed with your lips ( lips reading)
热恋的时刻 最任性
Re lian de shi ke zui ren xing
We were most wilful when we were in love.
不顾一切的 给约定
Bu gu yi qie de gei yue ding
We ignore every promise.

终于听见 下雨的声音
Zhong yu ting jian xia yu de sheng yin
I finally heard the rhythm of the rain.
于是我的世界 被吵醒
Yu shi wo de shi jie bei chao xing
Therefore, my world is awakened.
发现你始终 很靠近
Fa xian ni shi zhong hen kao jin
I found out that you are still close to me.
默默的陪在 我身边 态度坚定
Mo mo de pei zia wo zheng bian, tai du jian ding
Staying beside me quietly with a firm attitude.

Albums has song "听下雨的声音 Ting xia yu de sheng yin (The rhythm of the rain)"