Last One to Know

Song info

"Last One to Know" (2014) on the album Springtime Carnivore(2014).

"Last One to Know" Videos

Springtime Carnivore - Last One To Know
Springtime Carnivore - Last One To Know
Springtime Carnivore - Last one to know
Springtime Carnivore - Last one to know
Springtime Carnivore - Last One To Know (sub esp)
Springtime Carnivore - Last One To Know (sub esp)
Springtime Carnivore - "Last One to Know" (Live in San Diego 2-14-15)
Springtime Carnivore - "Last One to Know" (Live in San Diego 2-14-15)
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Springtime Carnivore - Two Scars
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SPRINGTIME CARNIVORE - Name on a Matchbook
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Springtime Carnivore - Under The Spell
Springtime Carnivore - Under The Spell
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Springtime Carnivore - Two Scars
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springtime carnivore


I'm getting tired of shufflin' my feet
Without closin' in
On what I see.

The bloodhounds are barking, always on your trail.
You moved way too quick
To toss your heart back.

If you're leaving town,
I wanna be the last one to know.
Leave it underground;
I won't try to reach you before you go.
I wanna be the last to know.

People started talkin', I'm trying not to hear.
I locked every door.
But it's still clear.

I don't need your letters, or your new address.
You can keep your answers to yourself.

Now, if you're leaving town,
I wanna be the last one to know.
Leave it underground;
I won't try to reach you before you go.

I should know, because I've seen it
But it's so hard to believe.
Wanna be the last to know.

If you're leaving town,
I wanna be the last one to know.
Leave it underground;
I'm not gonna reach out before you go.
I should know, because I've seen it

But it's so hard to believe.
I should try to believe it; you were so hard
To deceive.
I'll be the last to know.

Albums has song "Last One to Know"