It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib

Song info

"It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib" (2007)

"It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib" Videos

It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib 2008 (feat. Curt Allen)
It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib 2008 (feat. Curt Allen)
Bumper Cars Animation
Bumper Cars Animation
Worm Quartet - Its a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad lib @ Marscon 2009
Worm Quartet - Its a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad lib @ Marscon 2009
Atom & His Package-Anarchy means I litter
Atom & His Package-Anarchy means I litter
Atom & His Package - Thresholds to Adult Living
Atom & His Package - Thresholds to Adult Living
Atlas Robot - Swearing Mod - Boston Dynamics
Atlas Robot - Swearing Mod - Boston Dynamics
Son of Poop and George- Atom and His Package
Son of Poop and George- Atom and His Package
FireFlies Version 6.9- Stephen and Courtney
FireFlies Version 6.9- Stephen and Courtney
Atom And His Package - Jeb Bell
Atom And His Package - Jeb Bell
[Lord It's Hard To Be Happy, When You Aren't Using] The Metric System (feat. Worm Quartet)
[Lord It's Hard To Be Happy, When You Aren't Using] The Metric System (feat. Worm Quartet)
Atom & His Package - Atom & His Package (Rock Version)
Atom & His Package - Atom & His Package (Rock Version)
***NSFW!!!*** Worm Quartet "Triks"
***NSFW!!!*** Worm Quartet "Triks"
Pumping Iron For Enya
Pumping Iron For Enya
Hooping to Atom & His Package song - a Getaway car
Hooping to Atom & His Package song - a Getaway car
Atom And His Package - Anarchy Means I Litter Lyrics_1
Atom And His Package - Anarchy Means I Litter Lyrics_1
Possessions (Not The One By Danzig)
Possessions (Not The One By Danzig)
Authors, Lawyers, Politicians, Statesmen, U.S. Representatives from Congress (1950s Interviews)
Authors, Lawyers, Politicians, Statesmen, U.S. Representatives from Congress (1950s Interviews)
Our Miss Brooks: Department Store Contest / Magic Christmas Tree / Babysitting on New Year's Eve
Our Miss Brooks: Department Store Contest / Magic Christmas Tree / Babysitting on New Year's Eve


this guy jeb is from outer space.
he showed me a smelly peacock and he peeled off his face.
so i confronted him, before he could hide.
he looked nervous and asked "atom, wanna go on a space ride?"
the spaceship was ugly it had 17 wheels,
there was a poster of larry bird fucking shaquille o'neal,
there was a QY7 billion, that one that i want,
and in the back ther was a taco bell restaurant,

have you been to the place where i've already gone?
not even a hipster looks good with brand new sneakers on,
the spaceship it goes round and round,
and the alien weirdos go up and down,
we're captured on a carousel of time,
we can't return, we can only look behind

"oh poop" he said he was visibly upset,
he put down his apple omlette and ejected the diskette,
he sed "the news is not good" he turned green,
there was a giant potato hading towards us on the video screen.

don't worry yourselves dudes, it turned out alright.
im glad i didnt bring my 39 dildo's that night.

have you been to the place where i've already gone?
not even a hipster looks good with brand new sneakers on,
the spaceship it goes round and round,
and the alien weirdos go up and down,
we're captured on a carousel of time,
we can't return, we can only look behind

There - was - a - woman - but - she - could - not, she couldn't help me with my mind!

Albums has song "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib"