Head of Septa, Nose of Me

Song info

"Head of Septa, Nose of Me" (2007)

"Head of Septa, Nose of Me" Videos

Atom & His Package - Head of Septa, Nose of Me
Atom & His Package - Head of Septa, Nose of Me
Atom and His Package Playlist
Atom and His Package Playlist
no head - atom and his package
no head - atom and his package
Atom & His Package "Jenny S."
Atom & His Package "Jenny S."
Atom And His Package - Chris & His Connor Whom I Already Love
Atom And His Package - Chris & His Connor Whom I Already Love
Atom And His Package -He Kissed Me (Dancy Pants Version)
Atom And His Package -He Kissed Me (Dancy Pants Version)
Atom And His Package - You Took Me By Surprise
Atom And His Package - You Took Me By Surprise
Where Eagles Dare - Atom and His Package
Where Eagles Dare - Atom and His Package
Atom and His Package - Karpathia
Atom and His Package - Karpathia
Atom and his package.
Atom and his package.
Hats off to Halford (w/lyrics) - Atom and his package
Hats off to Halford (w/lyrics) - Atom and his package
Atom and His Package
Atom and His Package
Atom And His Package - Head (She's Just A)
Atom And His Package - Head (She's Just A)
atom and his package
atom and his package
Top Tracks - Adam Goren
Top Tracks - Adam Goren
Janitor Joe - Big Nose
Janitor Joe - Big Nose
All Tracks - Adam Goren
All Tracks - Adam Goren
Atom and his Package1
Atom and his Package1


i know.
i could have been dead.
my nose swelled up to the size of my head.
the fucking gate, man, that shit was half lowered.
i did not see it, so i put my gear in forward.

and the lights that came,
were like a flash of lightning in the pouring rain.
i got up to a stranger's stare.
i touched my finger to my nose to make sure it was still there.
i want the head of septa, to come to my house
and kiss the nose of me 'til it feels better.

i went. no, it didn't make sense.
someone had tampered with the evidence.
so i called the cops, and filled out a report.
oh mr. big butt septa, i will see you in court

Albums has song "Head of Septa, Nose of Me"