Luyện nghe bài hát I Am Hannah Hear Me Croak Full Script

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Hannah: Thank you i you too goodnight everybody!
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah!!!
Hannah: You guys want more? Y'all are awesome I'll sing all night if you want! kick it guys!
(I Got starts playing)
Jackson: You want toast? I bet you do...
Please add some jam and butter too,
Jackson: Were out of grape so sad, it all fault you bad dad!
Robby: You what son?
Jackson: Yeah,
You got nerve!
(Miley out)
There she is! Six enchoors! The voice that wouldn't stop!
Miley:(croaky) Well they were such a great aud-. they were a great audi-. Well this isn't good!
Here, try some of this.
(pours juice)
(Miley a sip)
Miley:(trying to sing) Life's you make it... Help me!
(Miley a humidifier)
Do Re Mi Fa Soooo...Not working!
Robby: And it won't if you keep talking. You know honey this used to happen to me all the time when I was on tour. The only
thing that would help is when Momma told me not to talk for a while.
I can do that.
You're talking.
Dang, oh, dang!
(Cover her with arm)
Robby: There you go. Now listen, keep it that or we're gonna have to cancel the big concert on tv Saturday.

Jackson: Thats a girl now if u need to say anything for the next couple of days just use that. Hannah Montana has never a
concert before and she is not about to start now. I know that would just break your heart, and when your hearts breaks baby sis, so mine!
Robby:(Talking for Miley) You got a hot date for the concert you Jerkson.
Robby: She it!
Jackson: Ugh, I believe you think I'm that selfish you'd put my own sis
Robby(interrupts): Whats her son?
Jackson: Jenny and a total babe! So put cork in it froggy. I got a lot of ridin' on this.
Ah, ah, ah, use the pad.
(Miley Hits with the writing pad)
Robby: Couldn't said it better myself.
(Miley smiles space)
Lilly:Miley, I know you want to get better but sucking on those lollipops isn't do anything but rot your teeth.
Miley:(mumbling) Huhnuh!
Miley:(mumbling) Huhnuh!
(Car sound)
Miley, release. Fine, you leave me no choice.
Tickle, tickle, tickle!!
Oliver: Wow a week with out talking. gotta be hard for a girl. Not us guys, we're different. I don't need to talk. I couldn't talk for a month wouldn't bother me at all. But girls just talk, talk, talk, talk, talk! Hey, Sally! Nice capris, oh I like your purse!...
Okay now thats rude.
Lilly: Miley, I know this is gonna be hard for you but you gotta stop fighting it. And don't worry, we're gonna be here for you until you get voice back.
Hot Guy: Hey Lilly, you wanna a few?
Oh yeah!...Please, please, please, please? Look!
Oliver: You know this is nice. Just sittin' here, the sun, the beach thats the about nature that is just so quiet and peaceful.
Not like what you get in the city! Ehh ehh! Whoo whoo! Pull the vehicle over! Pull th-
(miley her self)
Oliver: I know, me crazy, too!
Hey, Oliver.
Oliver: up, Dex?
Dex: Miley, feeling better? Great so if ur not busy Friday night, maybe we could to the movies or something.
Oliver: Hey, I got one for you.(speaking for miley) In your dreams! A ponit, Dexter!(tells miley)We're playing hard to get.(Miley hits Oliver)

Oliver: Okay... What she was, movies shmovie just plant one on her right now, Big Boy! Ouch! Will you make up your mind you and me
are Dex signals.
dex: Maybe other time!...

Teacher: Four score and seven years ago is the beginning of what famous speech? Finger on my hand. find the in the land! Beep
Beep beep
beep, sliding I can still see you...Miley! Make me smiley!
Lily: I got this one for you... Mileys answer is the address...Uh, i think she means Betty-burghs address! Whos Bettyburgh? What?! The only other thing on
here is "I Dex" and I'm not going to say that with him sitting right there...oops!

Jackson: Okay it be exactly 1 week in 3...2...1...SPEAK!
Robbie Ray: Darling I know your scared, but we to find out sooner or later.
jackson: Dads right, Miles...Miles?.....Oh great. Now she hear either! You are falling apart just when Jenny and I need you the most! That is so like you!
Miley: Would you shut it already, I'm nervous and I dont know if I can- I CAN TALK!
It's so good to hear your voice again!
Miley:" I Dex"?!
The last thing you want to do is over work it!
"Bettyburghs address"!?!
Oliver: Oh, ho, ho...Boy, did you her look DUMB!
oliver: Oh you weren't thinking that!
Robbie: Okay, now that Miley can talk, lets see if can sing.
Robbie:(singing) let no small frustration, ever bring you down.
Lilly & No, no, no!
Robbie: Just a situation and turn it all around!
Miley: (singing) With a new attitude everything can change, make it all you want it to be! Stayin' mad, why do that? Give yourself a break. Laugh about it and see! Life's what you make it so let's make it rock!
Lilly & Oliver: it rock, yeah!
Miley: Life's you make it so come on!
Lilly, Oliver & Miley: Come on, on, everybody now!
Weh, wow!
Jackson: Oh Jenny, the concert wonderful? Whats that? Oh you bad girl!
Hannah: Life's you make it so lets make it rock! Life's what you make it so (Next part croaky) come on!...Come on!
Doctor: I'm sorry, Miley. But this problem is not going away on it's own. If you ever want to sing again, I'm afraid need surgery
Miley: Really?!
Doctor: talking about a very minor operation...I could do it blind-folded!
Doc: I won't!...I'm just saying that I could...Not that you'd know, you'd be out cold...Doesn't that make you better?
(Miley her head, no)
It doesnt does it? I should stop now.
You think?!
Doctor: I'm sorry, but I'm just you that this surgery is no big deal. One hour in my office, one week in recovery and everything will be fine.

Doctor: Really, I the chances of losing your singing voice permanently would be one in a million!
Robbie Oh boy...
Miley: One in a million?! if I'm that one!
Ray: Doc, you were this close!
Doc: When I say one in a million, thats just a figure of speech. I havent done anywhere near that many! Not that i done alot... Because I have!
I'm going.
Miley: Daddy! There was a one and a million chance you were going to be a rockstar and that happened, there was a one in a million chance that i'd be a popstar and happened! Face it Dad, this family is one in a million central!
Robbie Ray: Miley I really think you're over reacting,this is one of the best in the country!
Jackson: Yeah..Dads right, besides what do you think's gonna when the sugery is about to start, a meteor hits a bus, the bus
drives into a hotdog stand, a giant neon weiner flies into the power lines! The lights go off in the surgery room and the thing you know, your singing like aunt Pearl after she swallowed that cazook remember? (Cough, cough, cough) bleew!
Miley: OH NO now im never going to be Hannah Monatana all because a of a giant weiner!

( computer)
robbie: here you go wy dont you open this one next?
Young miley: yes! just what i wanted now i can be like daddy!
Mileys mom: hear somthing!
Young miley: rock rock rock yeah yeah yeah rock rock ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyeah
thank you tennesse bye careful!
Miley mom: did you hear that! girl might give you a run for your money!
robbie:ONE day i might have to take you up on stage me
Miley mom and robbie: encour
Miley:okay Jingle bells smells from fivety miles away peeyou!
jackson: im gunna get you runt!
young aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
hey! no running in the house
he did it
she did it
mileys dont ya just loove christmas?

robbie:ray hey milez i made you of my famous loco hot coco and little marshmellows so you dont chokeo...chokeo......chokeo
im going to keep it until you laugh..chokeo
Miley; dady what if something goes bad in the surgey room and i..i..cant be hannah anymore?
Robbie: well i guess your gunna hae to pack your bags and get out,baby thats not going to happen is going to be fine,all you have to
worry about is what icecream flavor going to be scarfing down
Miley: how do you that?
robbie ray: well, there some things daddy knows like i know the sun is going to come up tomorrow i know that uncle earles is never going to
be a underware model and i know your voice is gunna be fine, you get some now huney
goodnight dad
robbie ray: luv you
luv ya
( mileys )

robby ray:MILLLLEEYYY! were is useless free loader!?
right here daddy
robby ray: i thought i told you to iron theese socks!?!You i like a nice crease in my hosery!'
miley: s..sorry daddy i..im still the oven!
robby ray: a minite whats that on the corner of your mouth?!Have you been eating the burn bits off the burner pan again?!
dady im im just so hungry hmmm month old trout skin my favorite!
robby ray: well quite stuffing your face and get to ironing!Just beacuse that surgey caused you to lose your singing voice doesnt meen you can lay around eating
skin like the queen of shila!
Miley: but i can ive been practicing listen (trying to sing) THISS IS THE LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFEEEEE!
Robby ray: dont EVER do again!

Robby ray: Now there is only one person in this house that can sing and we all know who is..
Jackson: Jingle bells smells from fivety miles aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaay
Robby Ladies and gentamen please welcome buckey kentucky!
YOU!!!!!!!!! thank you...
Miley: But..jackson could never sing..and buckey kentucky thats the dumiest thing i heard
Jackon:Your just jealous that you dont a state that ryems with your name anymore little miss nobody
Miley: oh please like anyone would be a fan of.buckey
Lily: oh my gosh oh my gosh look its BUCKEY KENTUCKY!! KENTUCKY!!
Oliver: dude dude dude you rock!
i love you!
Miley: GUYS! what are you its jackson!
umm im sorry did you hear something?
lily: yeah its sounds like a up popstar
and lily: ah hahah ha!
Robby ray: come on kids lets hurry up we want to be late for buckey big concert the limos waiting
jackson: oh oh one in is a miley!
Miley: wait up guys! i should be to the concert to!i was hannah montana once..please dont treat me
this. i have feelings im not a piece of furniture!guys! im not a piece of furniture!Okay maybe i am..
robby ray : HOLD ON KIDS I TO GET MY KEYS AND MY WALLET..oh there they are
Miley: daddy what to me?im nothing but a table!
robby aww hunney your much more than that your also a coat rack
miley: niblets!
roby ray : miley we to take you with us but you got to many hang upss
jackson and lilly:aaahhahhahha
that was a good one dady!
robbyray: see i you i was funny
no! dont leave somebody help me!...please?
Mileys mom: Baby girl you always had the dreams
moma!? ma! it is you..
Mileys mom: you daddy gave some of his loco hot coco before bed dint he?He knows what does to ya!
i swaer when im finished hear im poping in to one of his dreams and he is get an ear full
not helping
Miley mom: its your dream sweet pea if you like all you have to do is change it
Miley: is not easy..hey!maybe it was..were were you when i was eating trout skin?
Miley mom: baby girl you know you didnt dream me here to ask me that now tell me what really on
Miley:i lost my voice and if i come back then.......then
Mileys mom: Miley..do you think if you werent hannah montana your no better then a piece of furniture at that
i swear there is nothing more dangerous than your dad with a pocket full of cash at uncle earls sales!
Miley: mom if i sing then..im just...just miley
mom:and what in the world is wrong with that?i think justmiley is pretty darn wonderfull and i know deep down
inside she is strong enough to that
Mileys mom: heck yeah!Thats the way your dady and i raised ya a wonder ful girl an thats why your friends
love you so
Miley:what friends? you saw the way they me
Mileys mom:Oh for heavens sake lily oliver get in here!If miley wasnt hananh would you still be her firends?
oliver:are you kidding?of course we
lily: miley you were my best friend way i knew you were hannah montana
MILEY: then why ya'll walk out on me
lily and oliver: its dream!
mileys mom: and its only scary because worried about that surgey tomorrow
Jackson: its true miley in real life i sing a starving walrus.....mom this is the part were you say oh no you dont honey!
mileys mom: oh no you dont honey..just a walrus a cute tone deaf walrus
lily: i like mom shes funny
oliver: shes too
miley: your out of here
oliver: wait,why am i leaveing i dont want to go STop! is not fair!
jackson: the point is weither your hannah montana or not your still the annoying obxinous little sister that i love
jackson: you can wake up any time now
Miley: i aint yet!
mileys mom:see the only thing you have is that people care about ya
miley; your mommy
mom: ya think!
miley: oh what the heck get in here
Mileys mom: you were loved even before you were hannah montana and your still going to be love after hannahs on were are they now
mom i think your confusing me with daddy
mileys oh im not worried about you one bit
miley: mom i miss your
mileys mom: oh baby girl there not far away all you have to do is think of me and there now say goodbye to your friends and get some rest
robby you did good honey
mileys mom: your doing a pretty good job your self..except for hot chocolate before bed!
robby:i know you told me not to do but his was a very emotion...MILEY WAKE UP NOW
mileys mom: i dont know how many times im going to you..
robby: miley wakey
mileys mom: and i cant you still have that table no wonder the girls having nightmares
robby: sorry darling you i was allways a push over
mom: yeah you were..
(robbys )
( and mom sing)
jackson cut it out
jackson: hey its dream!
miley: not time..
jackson: well if its not my dream and not then who is it?
mom: i think i know
( robby up )
robby: momma was right that coco


Hannah Montana - episode 5 (I Am Hannah Hear Me Croak)
Hannah Montana - episode 5 (I Am Hannah Hear Me Croak)
Actress Ryan Newman plays young Miley in Hannah Montana "I Am Hannah Hear Me Croak"
Actress Ryan Newman plays young Miley in Hannah Montana "I Am Hannah Hear Me Croak"
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