Dive in

Song info

"Dive in" (2016)

"Dive in" Videos

Dive In
Dive In
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Vio - Dive In (Stúdíó A)
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Well there you are, broken afar
you're starting to go bright.
Though it's a long way and a long wait
before the veil of night.

Now alone you stand
with all your morals strand, looking overseas.
In silence, in quiet,
you find you were meant to be.

Against the ropes,
every eye on you.
You're short on hope,
still all of mine's on you.

Go on for everything,
leave it all behind.
When you're leaving,
at least you'll say you tried.

Who cares, it's summer.
You've got it good and easy now
to whatever comes around
and I'm not gonna wait for you.

You feel, all the heat.
You hear, the ocean near.
Go on, run as fast as me.

You feel, all the heat.
You hear, the ocean near.
Go on, run as fast as me.

I'm tied to a rope,
it's slowing me alone.
It's hard to cope,
where no one laid a road.

Feel it through you're blood,
you will not stay young.
Covered in mud
and songs you could have sung.

Who cares, it's summer.
You've got it good and easy now
to whatever comes around
and I'm not gonna wait for you.

You feel, all the heat.
You hear, the ocean near.
Go on, run as fast as me.

You feel, all the heat.
You hear, the ocean near.
Go on, run as fast as me.

You feel, all the heat.
You hear, the ocean near.
Go on, run as fast as me.

Albums has song "Dive in"