Song info



Dissolute Singer
Dissolute Singer
Absofacto - Dissolve (Lyrics)
Absofacto - Dissolve (Lyrics)
Macron vient d’annoncer la dissolution de l’assemblée nationale. Allez voter aux législatives
Macron vient d’annoncer la dissolution de l’assemblée nationale. Allez voter aux législatives
Dissolute Lover - Quinten
Dissolute Lover - Quinten
Metal: Hellsinger — Dissolution ft. Björn "Speed" Strid from Soilwork
Metal: Hellsinger — Dissolution ft. Björn "Speed" Strid from Soilwork
The Dissolute Society - 'Soldering On' Album Stories, Chapter Two: Musical Influeces
The Dissolute Society - 'Soldering On' Album Stories, Chapter Two: Musical Influeces
'On' - The Dissolute Society
'On' - The Dissolute Society
I just wanna watch u dissolve w/@sagenicolehumphri
I just wanna watch u dissolve w/@sagenicolehumphri
Sad Song:Dissolve | 錯位時空 - 艾辰『我吹過妳吹過的晚風,那我們算不算相擁』電視劇《寒武紀》They say that love is sad! Tears ran away!
Sad Song:Dissolve | 錯位時空 - 艾辰『我吹過妳吹過的晚風,那我們算不算相擁』電視劇《寒武紀》They say that love is sad! Tears ran away!
CM Punjab Parvez Elahi during Imran Khan statement of dissolve assemblies.. 😂 #pti #imrankhan
CM Punjab Parvez Elahi during Imran Khan statement of dissolve assemblies.. 😂 #pti #imrankhan
The Dissolute Assumption with lyrics and gig photos
The Dissolute Assumption with lyrics and gig photos
Ai Chen 艾辰【Dissolve 错位时空 】
Ai Chen 艾辰【Dissolve 错位时空 】
"The end of an era" - Dissolution of the Soviet Union
"The end of an era" - Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Les Triaboliques - Gulaguajira (I, the dissolute prisoner)
Les Triaboliques - Gulaguajira (I, the dissolute prisoner)
Mikhail Gorbachev's Resignation and Dissolution of the Soviet Union - Dec. 25, 1991 - ABC Nightline
Mikhail Gorbachev's Resignation and Dissolution of the Soviet Union - Dec. 25, 1991 - ABC Nightline
JoJo - Dissolve [Official Audio]
JoJo - Dissolve [Official Audio]
Wrené - Deflect, Dissolve
Wrené - Deflect, Dissolve


Dissolute singer
As far as they are concerned you live on 17 Fairy Lane
People relate to you
What you told them
18 months back then
Tall and frail but you're pale for real
In a [] of steel

And down west to east broadway
Same route as last week when couldn't find where he was due to play
That seemed eons away
Oh how he complained about doing a show that Friday
Backstage was doorless, brimming with rider
The Rolling Rocks you sneered at seemed like nectar at Canal St subway
Canal sets you pining only name familiar
Jail pumps me something, blots out all outside America
Canal Street's near Victoria, Bridge St connects Dalton
Damn can't remember
You, dissolute singer

Up and down west to east broadway
Same route as last week when couldn't find where he was due to play
That seemed eons away
Oh how he complained

(Tyne) Gibson, comedian teams up with so and so and so and so at Brownies
While owner (Timmy.. knee dee pop) is looking for three figures at
Brownies tonight
In both senses of the (whirl world)

Never before have I disliked the rain
I soaks, the long drips discarded
By now blessed office no smo-
blots out all outside America
Canal Street's near Victoria, Bridge St connects Dalton
Damn can't remember
You, dissolute singer, right

Canal to Lexington no that is in Boston -- composer stays in groups
Alice is location wanton -- c
Never before have I disliked the rain
It soaks the long drips discarded -- zee
By now blessed office no smoking policy -- I give thanks and apologies to my constitution
Distorted soft on discarded
Is it England brittania newspaper
Artisan composer stays in groups
C programmer is b major
Disssolute singer down to social group zee
I give thanks and apologies to my constitution
Bless grandadddy
Teeth moans, brain moans and worries
This thing is amazing
Take beaten thrice daily then once fortnightly
Then soak in chromosome laced bud sub beer colon stretchy ersatz coffe and liquor
Twist neck with dough boy throttle a bread
Do not sleep for five days
Then return to street
Well bloody nora says my dead dad
Grandad says too much weight on you anyroad
You and your father
Their respected faces appear gigantic left and right above the city
Like Hawkman or Lex Luthor
In an embarrassment they see dissolute singer taping, tapping away at the vast stamina bank
Built up digging endless trenches lugging iron baths
Sweet sweat pain on lead water tank
Dissolute singer as you live for an s on 17

And embarrassed they see dissolute singer

Albums has song "DISSOLUTE SINGER"



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