
Song info

"Candence" (2007)

"Candence" Videos

Boysetsfire - The Fine Art Of Falling / Cadence
Boysetsfire - The Fine Art Of Falling / Cadence
boysetsfire -  in hope
boysetsfire - in hope
Boysetsfire in Chicago 6-28-98 Part 2
Boysetsfire in Chicago 6-28-98 Part 2
In Hope
In Hope
Boy Sets Fire - Fashion As A Weapon (BackSeatSessions)
Boy Sets Fire - Fashion As A Weapon (BackSeatSessions)
Boysetsfire - Foundations To Burn
Boysetsfire - Foundations To Burn
Boy sets fire- fashion as a weapon.wmv
Boy sets fire- fashion as a weapon.wmv
BoySetsFire (live concert) - July 16th, 1999, RKCNDY, Seattle, WA (Boy Sets Fire)
BoySetsFire (live concert) - July 16th, 1999, RKCNDY, Seattle, WA (Boy Sets Fire)
Boysetsfire - Tomorrow Come Today [full album]
Boysetsfire - Tomorrow Come Today [full album]
Boysetsfire - Swingset
Boysetsfire - Swingset
Boy Sets Fire - This Crying, This Screaming, My Voice Is Being Born [EP] (1997) (Full)
Boy Sets Fire - This Crying, This Screaming, My Voice Is Being Born [EP] (1997) (Full)
boy sets fire - white wedding dress
boy sets fire - white wedding dress
BoySetsFire - Pure
BoySetsFire - Pure
Boysetsfire in Chicago 6-28-98 Part 3
Boysetsfire in Chicago 6-28-98 Part 3
boy sets fire ~ the tyranny of what everyone knows
boy sets fire ~ the tyranny of what everyone knows
Coalesce/Boysetsfire split (2000)
Coalesce/Boysetsfire split (2000)
boy sets fire - the force majeure
boy sets fire - the force majeure
BoySetsFire - Cavity
BoySetsFire - Cavity
boy sets fire - handful of redemption
boy sets fire - handful of redemption


In this culture I am just the meat for vultures to pick until
My beauty shows for your glossy covers and in the classy circles smother
Have I nothing more to give
And I would rather starve than lose this body
I would rather starve than lose your acceptance
I need your love
I just need someone's approval
To put me back again
Is this skin all you want
Are aesthetics all you need
Is this where I stand
My eyes will always show my empty soul
As you divert you eyes to my body
(It's nothing to you, but it matters to me)
I'm nothing to you but this shell that you see
Rotting flesh for your eyes
Wilting beauty for every goddamn girl to compare to
Dear god, why can't I be
Dear god, why can't I be more like him, more like her
More or less like you

Albums has song "Candence"