What=b9s That Smell? =

Song info

"What=b9s That Smell? =" (2006)

"What=b9s That Smell? =" Videos

Patti Smith Group - Because the Night (Audio)
Patti Smith Group - Because the Night (Audio)


(Jeffery Dahmer )
Jeffery lived in Milwaukee with eleven men
But they were in pieces because he dismembered them.
What=B9s that smell? - did something die
The landlord thought that it was coming from outside
What=B9s that smell? - that rotten smell
It=B9s jeffery Dahmer=B9s apartment of HELLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!
He took a bus to Chicago so he could pick up queers
Invite them to his place and then he=B9d drug their beer
What=B9s that smell? - did something die
The landlord thought that it was coming from outside
What=B9s that smell? - that rotten smell
It=B9s jeffery Dahmer=B9s apartment of HELLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!
And once they were asleep Jeffery Dahmer would kill them
Cut them up and eat certain pieces of the men.
What=B9s that smell? - did something die
The landlord thought that it was coming from outside
What=B9s that smell? - that rotten smell
It=B9s jeffery Dahmer=B9s apartment of HELLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!

Albums has song "What=b9s That Smell? ="