The Voyage Of The Severed

Song info

"The Voyage Of The Severed" (2006) on the albums Exhumed Of The Earth(1994), Exhumed Of The Earth(1994).

"The Voyage Of The Severed" Videos

Paramaecium - The Voyage Of The Severed
Paramaecium - The Voyage Of The Severed
Paramaecium- The Voyage of the Severed
Paramaecium- The Voyage of the Severed
Paramæcium - 05 The Voyage Of The Severed
Paramæcium - 05 The Voyage Of The Severed
The Voyage of the Severed
The Voyage of the Severed
Paramaecium-Exhumed of The Earth
Paramaecium-Exhumed of The Earth
Paramaecium - Removed From The Grave
Paramaecium - Removed From The Grave
Paramaecium - "The Unnatural Conception In Two Parts: The Birth and the Massacre of the Innocents"
Paramaecium - "The Unnatural Conception In Two Parts: The Birth and the Massacre of the Innocents"
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The disciples, they were crucified, burned alive, decapitate
Those of the Reformation rejected the establishment of Rome
The likes of Luther at the diet of Worms
Others put to death in utter cruelty for failing to submit to a church of corruption
Denying transubstantiation|
But they overcame them by the blood of the Lamb
And the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death

That church, you think you're right all the time
You think you know what life means
Silence, see your crime, for things are seldom what they seem
As though to breathe were life
Darkness begins to rot your mind, putrefaction has left you blind
Your traditions and lies have left you less than whole
For what will it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul

Albums has song "The Voyage Of The Severed"