
Song info

"Tatoo" (2006)

"Tatoo" Videos

Tattoo Song
Tattoo Song
Tattoo Song by Herman Brood
Tattoo Song by Herman Brood
Herman Brood & his Wild Romance: "Tattoo Song" (Nederland muziekland 1984)
Herman Brood & his Wild Romance: "Tattoo Song" (Nederland muziekland 1984)
Herman Brood & his Wild Romance: "Tattoo song" (the clip 1984)
Herman Brood & his Wild Romance: "Tattoo song" (the clip 1984)
Herman Brood & The Wild Romance - Tattoo Song
Herman Brood & The Wild Romance - Tattoo Song
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance Tattoo Song
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance Tattoo Song
Tattoo song Herman Brood
Tattoo song Herman Brood
Tattoo song  Herman Brood
Tattoo song Herman Brood
herman brood tattoo
herman brood tattoo
Herman Brood - Tattoo Song
Herman Brood - Tattoo Song
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance - Tattoosong (clip)
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance - Tattoosong (clip)
Herman Brood - Tatoo Lyrics
Herman Brood - Tatoo Lyrics
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance - Tattoosong (live)
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance - Tattoosong (live)
Bombitas XL - Tattoo Song van Herman Brood
Bombitas XL - Tattoo Song van Herman Brood
Thailand Tattoo. Herman Brood. Tattoo Song.
Thailand Tattoo. Herman Brood. Tattoo Song.
Herman Brood Portrait Tattoo #tattooideas #portraittattoo #tattoos
Herman Brood Portrait Tattoo #tattooideas #portraittattoo #tattoos
Tattoo Song - Herman Brood tribute - 01-2010 Bückeburg
Tattoo Song - Herman Brood tribute - 01-2010 Bückeburg
Live uit Lloyd - Bombitas XL - Tattoo song
Live uit Lloyd - Bombitas XL - Tattoo song
Tattoo Song - Herman Brood & The Wild Romance - 1984 - The Netherlands - NL -Discover Music Shorts
Tattoo Song - Herman Brood & The Wild Romance - 1984 - The Netherlands - NL -Discover Music Shorts
Freddy Gold, Bruut Willis & Tattoo Gilly - Herman Brood (HD Video)
Freddy Gold, Bruut Willis & Tattoo Gilly - Herman Brood (HD Video)


TATTOO (Brood)

Beauty today is only skin deep
temptation is strong
& the job ain't cheap
I've seen the spike
up & down my arm
sailor's graves & tattooed snakes
& broken hearts
workin' like a charm

skinpoppin' skyboppin'
baby let the needle burn
skydivin' mainlinin'
it's the point of no return

get y'rself a tattoo
don't think twice
you show it off in the disco, at school
around the corner, ain't no lie
goin' down the road
with a pistol in my hand
Johnny Tattoo is lookin' for you

(Skinpoppin' etc. +)
You never ever gonna regret
you've got a tattoo
(what y're gonna tell her)
You tell y'r baby: I did it for you

Got it under my skin
for the rest of my life
I don't mind, I show it off
around the neighbourhood
ain't no lie
I've seen the spike
up & down my arm
sailor's graves & tattooed snakes
& broken hearts
workin' like a charm

(Skinpoppin' etc. +)
Hey honey don't tell y'r mama
keep her out of the blue
(what y're gonna tell her)
You tell y'r ma: I did it for you

(Skinpoppin' etc. +)
Y'r lover will discover some day
You've got a tattoo
(what y're gonna tell her)
You just tell her: honey, I did it for you

Albums has song "Tatoo"