
Song info

"Stiff" (2007)

"Stiff" Videos

Population 1 - Stiff.wmv
Population 1 - Stiff.wmv
Steven Tyler & Nuno Bettencourt "More than words"  - The 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Concert
Steven Tyler & Nuno Bettencourt "More than words" - The 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Concert
Population 1 - Nuno Bettencourt [Full Album]
Population 1 - Nuno Bettencourt [Full Album]
15774 Nuno Bettencourt - Stiff Lyrics
15774 Nuno Bettencourt - Stiff Lyrics
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Population 1- If Only
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Dedication breakup
Dedication breakup
Population 1 - Ordinary day
Population 1 - Ordinary day
Population 1 | On And On
Population 1 | On And On
Spaceman by Population 1
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unhappy bday
unhappy bday
Population 1 | Flow
Population 1 | Flow
Population 1 - "QPD" - Nuno Bettencourt
Population 1 - "QPD" - Nuno Bettencourt
Population 1 - High
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extreme japan tour 2016 nuno bettencourt who cares? guitar solo
Nuno Bettencourt - Mourning Widows - 07 - The Swing
Nuno Bettencourt - Mourning Widows - 07 - The Swing


held your hand i felt you
jump across the great divide
my world's in global mourning
yours eternally divine

in this room it's mostly cloudy
showers not to be dismissed
raining down in human error
have we betrayed you with a kiss

here i'm standing staring at you
waiting for just one reaction
god i feel so damn frustrated
the pain is hard to bare

lying there your skin so perfect
looking like a beauty sleeping
touching you it makes no sense
you're feeling so cold stiff

and here we eat the lord and savior
taste the bitterness of loss
cups are filled with holy spirit
drunken with the word of god

veins are flowing nitrogen
hearts are hardened to a freeze
ancient iron lung tradition
breeds a false dichotomy

your own realit-v show
speaks these simple final words
sorry but we're out of time
thank you and goodnight

Albums has song "Stiff"