
Song info

"Revolution" (2007)

"Revolution" Videos

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Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 01 The Rose Bride English Dubbed
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I'm looking for the Sons of God
Manifest the inner light
First Fruit Company stand on your feet
Salvation comes to history

Your sound goes out to all the earth
Your words to the ends of the world
There is no speech nor dialect
Where your voice is not heard

It's A Revolution
It's A Revolution
It's A Revolution
YOU don't get the point
I can see it in your eyes

The cross is the door, You are the promise
Every thought is captivated
Bringing obedience and revelation
Appearing in us for every eye to see

Transformation and Resurrection
Free from death hell and the grave
Watch me wade the flames of fire
I will suffer for your sake

I am that I am
I am sent me
I am blots out transgressions
I am that I am
I am sent me
I am who comforts you

Albums has song "Revolution"



  91 songs