Return of the Knucklehead

Song info

"Return of the Knucklehead" (2015) on the albums Proud to Be...DFL(1995), Proud to Be(1995), Proud to Be(1995), Proud to Be...DFL(1995).

"Return of the Knucklehead" Videos

DFL - Return of the Knucklehead
DFL - Return of the Knucklehead
DFL - Mr. Popular
DFL - Mr. Popular
DFL - Dead Fucking Last - Tony's War (2 x 7'')
DFL - Dead Fucking Last - Tony's War (2 x 7'')
DEAD FUCKING LAST - Return Of The Knucklehead (CLIP-1995)
DEAD FUCKING LAST - Return Of The Knucklehead (CLIP-1995)
DFL - Proud to be DFL
DFL - Proud to be DFL
DFL - Word of Mouth
DFL - Word of Mouth
DFL - Lost Cause
DFL - Lost Cause
DFL - Free Haircut
DFL - Free Haircut
DFL - Sourpuss
DFL - Sourpuss
DFL - Better Off Dead
DFL - Better Off Dead


Oh! We don't have the lyrics to this song yet.

Albums has song "Return of the Knucklehead"