Reality Glitch

Song info

"Reality Glitch" (2013)

"Reality Glitch" Videos

Reality Glitch - Psyberdelix
Reality Glitch - Psyberdelix
Mixtape by Psyberdelic
Mixtape by Psyberdelic
Floating Particulate Matter - Psyberdelix
Floating Particulate Matter - Psyberdelix
The Momentary State of Illusion & Reality
The Momentary State of Illusion & Reality


After all arriving omnicron,
rising from the seething data-pool.

Glimmering with droplets of illusion.
Seeping through the fabric of nothingness.

It's been absolutely impoosible to work with these earth creatures.
Their soul is too controlled.

Plan 9.
You are on the verge of destroying the entire universe...

Everything you thought you would ever do.
Everything you thought you ever knew.

Take a good long look and sing again,
another song an we will dream again.

Dream again.

Albums has song "Reality Glitch"