Prayer of Saint Francis

Song info

"Prayer of Saint Francis" (2006)

"Prayer of Saint Francis" Videos

Prayer of St. Francis - Robert Delgado
Prayer of St. Francis - Robert Delgado
Prayer of St. Francis  sung by the Philippine Madrigal Singers
Prayer of St. Francis sung by the Philippine Madrigal Singers
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace | Prayer of St. Francis Song | Choir with Lyrics | Catholic Hymn
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace | Prayer of St. Francis Song | Choir with Lyrics | Catholic Hymn
Prayer of St. Francis by Ryan Cayabyab
Prayer of St. Francis by Ryan Cayabyab
Prayer of St. Francis (Ryan Cayabyab)
Prayer of St. Francis (Ryan Cayabyab)
Prayer of St  Francis - Allen Pote
Prayer of St Francis - Allen Pote
The Most Powerful Message of Peace in Ryan Cayabyab's 'Prayer of St. Francis'
The Most Powerful Message of Peace in Ryan Cayabyab's 'Prayer of St. Francis'
Prayer of St. Francis (A Cappella) | Pote/Delgado w/Lyrics | Make Me An Instrument | Catholic Choir
Prayer of St. Francis (A Cappella) | Pote/Delgado w/Lyrics | Make Me An Instrument | Catholic Choir
St. Francis of Assisi: Holy Mass (Wednesday, February 19th, 8am)
St. Francis of Assisi: Holy Mass (Wednesday, February 19th, 8am)
Prayer of St.  Francis - Robert Delgado
Prayer of St. Francis - Robert Delgado
Prayer of St. Francis - Allen Pote
Prayer of St. Francis - Allen Pote
Prayer of St. Francis -- Philippine Madrigal Singers
Prayer of St. Francis -- Philippine Madrigal Singers
Prayer of St. Francis - Ryan Cayabyab (Vocalismo Choral Group Mass Songs)
Prayer of St. Francis - Ryan Cayabyab (Vocalismo Choral Group Mass Songs)
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace (Updated Choir Version with Lyrics) | Catholic Prayer of St. Francis
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace (Updated Choir Version with Lyrics) | Catholic Prayer of St. Francis
PSSC - A Prayer of St. Francis Virtual Choir Concert 155 tahun
PSSC - A Prayer of St. Francis Virtual Choir Concert 155 tahun
Prayer of St. Francis (Robert Delgado) – cantanima
Prayer of St. Francis (Robert Delgado) – cantanima
Prayer of St. Francis — MADZ & Ching-Yun Choir
Prayer of St. Francis — MADZ & Ching-Yun Choir
Prayer of St. Francis (Allen Pote) - sung by G Voices
Prayer of St. Francis (Allen Pote) - sung by G Voices
Prayer of St. Francis 聖法蘭西斯的祈禱文 / Robert Delgado - 青韵合唱團 Ching-Yun Choir
Prayer of St. Francis 聖法蘭西斯的祈禱文 / Robert Delgado - 青韵合唱團 Ching-Yun Choir
Prayer of St. Francis -- Philippine Madrigal Singers
Prayer of St. Francis -- Philippine Madrigal Singers


Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow Love.
Where there is injury, thy Pardon, Lord.
Where there is doubt, let there be Faith.

Oh Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace.
Where there is despair, let me bring Hope.
Where there is darkness, let there be Light.
where there is sadness, let there be Joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek:
to be consoled, as to console,
to be understood, as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.

Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow Love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.

And it's in dying that we are born
to eternal life, to eternal life.
Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace.
An instrument of thy Peace. Amen.

Albums has song "Prayer of Saint Francis"