Not Politically Correct

Song info

"Not Politically Correct" (2006)

"Not Politically Correct" Videos

Politically Correct Christianity
Politically Correct Christianity
▶ SHOCKING  Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Victims' Families Speak
▶ SHOCKING Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Victims' Families Speak
AIB : Rape - It's Your Fault
AIB : Rape - It's Your Fault
Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
Christmas Colors Now Deemed Politically Incorrect
Christmas Colors Now Deemed Politically Incorrect
Horrific Mass Shooting Targets One Family
Horrific Mass Shooting Targets One Family
Family Guy  Racist Jokes
Family Guy Racist Jokes
Key & Peele - Office Homophobe
Key & Peele - Office Homophobe
Key & Peele - Auction Block
Key & Peele - Auction Block
Donald Trump's 2016 campaign announcement was the opposite of politically correct | Mashable
Donald Trump's 2016 campaign announcement was the opposite of politically correct | Mashable


We are not politically correct. What did you expect? Wounds to inflict?
Words to make you act? My words are suspect. As is my intellect. And
so I spew my tracts and hope they make an impact.
We are not politically correct. What the $*@()%& did you expect?
Wounds to inflict? Words to make you act? I just can't get your respect.
And so I'll keep myself intact instead of being correct.

Albums has song "Not Politically Correct"



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