High Flyer

Song info

"High Flyer" (2006)

"High Flyer" Videos

Black Oak Arkansas - High Flyer.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - High Flyer.wmv
07 High Flier, Black Oak Arkansas, X Rated
07 High Flier, Black Oak Arkansas, X Rated
Black Oak Arkansas - Highway Pirate.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Highway Pirate.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - High Flyer Lyrics_1
Black Oak Arkansas - High Flyer Lyrics_1
Black Oak Arkansas - Bump 'n Grind.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Bump 'n Grind.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Ace In The Hole.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Ace In The Hole.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Wild Men From The Mountains.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Wild Men From The Mountains.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Fightin' Cock
Black Oak Arkansas - Fightin' Cock
Black Oak Arkansas - Flesh Needs Flesh.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Flesh Needs Flesh.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Strong enough to be gentle
Black Oak Arkansas - Strong enough to be gentle
Black Oak Arkansas 2
Black Oak Arkansas 2
Black Oak Arkansas - Strong Enough To Be Gentle.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Strong Enough To Be Gentle.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas
Black Oak Arkansas
Black Oak Arkansas - Too Hot To Stop.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Too Hot To Stop.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Fightin' Cocks.wmv
Black Oak Arkansas - Fightin' Cocks.wmv
Black oak arkansas
Black oak arkansas
Top Tracks - Black Oak Arkansas
Top Tracks - Black Oak Arkansas
Black Oak Arkansas
Black Oak Arkansas
black oak arkansas
black oak arkansas
Black Oak AR - Uncle Elijah
Black Oak AR - Uncle Elijah


Here's a story 'bout a brave boy
A real love pusher
Any woman got his lovin'
Then he would venture
He swore more and more
He only needed freedom
Told 'em he would never fall
Fer anyone but


Nobody falls as hard as the high flyer
Nobody falls as hard as the high flyer
Nobody falls as hard, mister popularity

With lovely women
Mr. Insecurity is up until the end
Cause he fell for one
That wanted more than fun
So he saved his love
For that special one


He was, so high on cloud nine
But it's time he fell


Albums has song "High Flyer"



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