Get Out

Song info

"Get Out" (2017)

"Get Out" Videos

Matrix - Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Matrix - Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Kerri Chandler (Matrix) - Get Out (I'm Retta Go Mix)
Kerri Chandler (Matrix) - Get Out (I'm Retta Go Mix)
Kerri Chandler (Matrix) - Get Out (Mad Mix)
Kerri Chandler (Matrix) - Get Out (Mad Mix)
Kerri Chandler - Get Up
Kerri Chandler - Get Up
Matrix - Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Matrix - Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Matrix ~ Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Matrix ~ Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Kerri "Kaoz" Chandler - Get Up
Kerri "Kaoz" Chandler - Get Up
Kerri Chandler - Get Up [KCT1002]
Kerri Chandler - Get Up [KCT1002]
Matrix - Get Out (Kerri Chandler remix)
Matrix - Get Out (Kerri Chandler remix)
Kerri Chandler (Matrix) -Get Out (Chill Out Mix)
Kerri Chandler (Matrix) -Get Out (Chill Out Mix)
Kerri Chandler classic house set at BUDX Amsterdam
Kerri Chandler classic house set at BUDX Amsterdam
Kerri Chandler - Locked out
Kerri Chandler - Locked out
RA Sessions: Kerri Chandler - Reel-To-Reel Session | Resident Advisor
RA Sessions: Kerri Chandler - Reel-To-Reel Session | Resident Advisor
Kerri Chandler - Rain
Kerri Chandler - Rain
Kerri Chandler - Get It Off
Kerri Chandler - Get It Off
Matrix | Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Matrix | Get Out (Kerri Chandler Remix)
Kerri Chandler -Atmosphere ( LOST DUBS)
Kerri Chandler -Atmosphere ( LOST DUBS)
KERRI CHANDLER b2b CHEZ DAMIER house set at the last Southport Weekender
KERRI CHANDLER b2b CHEZ DAMIER house set at the last Southport Weekender
Kerri Chandler Remixed - Matrix - Get Out (Detroit Swindle Remix) [MADHOUSE RECORDS]
Kerri Chandler Remixed - Matrix - Get Out (Detroit Swindle Remix) [MADHOUSE RECORDS]
Kerri Chandler - So let the wind come (Come Remix)
Kerri Chandler - So let the wind come (Come Remix)


Yes, Seagram's is the place to be
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
drowning your sorrows away in that alcoholic nightmare that you call... life.
Is this your life?
Then you need to get out!

Are you tired of your wife that you have been beating on for years to come and years to go away?
I thought so!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm looking at you, I'm sure you've done it!
Don't even stop and look around because I know you have, so you need to just turn your face and get out!

Are you tired of that girl you've been hanging with lately?
I'm sure she's tired of you because she's looking at that guy next door.
So ... you know what you gotta do?
You gotta tell her, "Move on," and get out!

Or how 'bout that slave-driving boss you've got?
He's always comin' up in your face, talkin' some garbage, and it feels like that you got about a quarter at the end of the week.
Ahaha! and doesn't it feel like your brain has been auctioned off, huh?
Just tell 'im, "Get on!" Get out!

You know, there's nowhere to hide, there's nowhere to go, there's nowhere to stay.
Nothing you can Jack-Daniels' do, you know?
Just get out!

I know you feel like taking ya' Porsche, ya' Peugeot, ya' Volvo nine-forty-whatever-the-hell-it-is, and just, like, driving it off a cliff, don't ya'? because you can't make the payments, so whaddya you feel like, huh?
Get out!

Yeah, ya' dog done died, ya' cat done went with 'im, and ya' goldfish done swallow the wrong child.
So how you feel now?
You wanna get out!
Trust me!

Or the girl you've been with since like before high school and all that...y'all... chilly-willy and that good shit. and next thing you know? she turns and done flips on ya' and goes out with your best friend.
How you feel now?
You wanna get out!

Or somethin' like to the effect of... uh... you're runnin' home, you're workin' all day long, and ya' catch... ya' house on fire.
That sounds good!
And now what 'cha wanna do, then?
You wanna get out!
(Or at least get yo' stuff out.)

Or, more like...
You come outside, and your car's not there because someone done stole it... Blaow, blaow, blaow!
What 'chu gonna do now?
Ya' can't get out!

Or how about this:
You walk around the corner with your mom, right?
Someone done stuck her up!
You can't do a thing because they got a snuffer right at your face.
What 'chu gonna do then?
Ya' can't get out!

But check this one out:
Your uncle Bob is in the backyard cookin' some barbeque shit up...
And he burns his arm off! You gotta rush him to the hospital, but nobody got no insurance on him.
Who gotta pay for that?
Trust me: get out!

Or it's like ya' kids come home, and do whatever, and they messin' around in your room.
You got a water bed.
Guess what has a hole in it now!
Ahaha! Get out!

Or more like this:
You got a brand new VCR for Christmas.
Guess what has a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich in it!
Get out!

Or that annoying neighbour next door to you, with that annoying dog!
You got a BB-gun.
What 'chu gonna do then?
I thought so!
Get out!

Albums has song "Get Out"



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