Flickering Smile

Song info

"Flickering Smile" (2013)


Everywhere i go
Baby i'm thinKin' of U
I knew it's hrD for U 2 beLieVe
But baby this is trUe

Ur'e in evry sOng i sing
Ur'e d best part of my dreaM
anD the onLy girL i wanT to see
coZ U mean evrytHng 2 me

The 1st tiMe i LuK in2 Ur eyes
I feLL in LoVe
anD U caUght my heart
when i saW Ur fLicKering smiLe


There's no one eLse LyK U
whO cUd bring dZ cHnge dT i dO
i'LL nVr faLL inLoVe again
nOw dT i hVe U

Albums has song "Flickering Smile"