False Domination

Song info

"False Domination" (2007)

"False Domination" Videos

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False words give the base of dogmas
Get higher 'n' higher
Behind the shadows there's a darkness
It's fight forever

Behind the mask of religion
A dictatorship
Under the pressure a fate of nation
Their hands're in clenched fist

In the faith - Hidden fear
In the pray - Uncertainty
Go down on your knees
There's no other chance for you 'n' me

False Domination

The head of the state is in uniform
The borders are closed
In the hot sand there're traps of tanks
Depth is the richness

People die and fight 'till the end
They've got just one god
A false domination has the press
Madness what they've got

Albums has song "False Domination"