Ana Nomaly

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"Ana Nomaly" (2006)

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Ana Nomaly
Ana Nomaly
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(Ana Nomaly, one two three four)

You turned out to be just a little cynical
Impolite and, oh, most of all
You can swear,
my girl, everywhere you go I'll be
Ana Nomaly

You have proved to be just a little difficult
Had me amazed, messed up for days
You've got the mood swings of a small volcano
My sweettooth, what is it with you
and me, Ana Nomaly
If you go, stay out of the flow
with me, Ana Nomaly

(Ana Nomaly)

Life turned out to be just a little difficult
Impolite and, oh most of all,
so unfair
My girl, you are everywhere
I see, Ana Nomaly
In delight, gonna be alright
with me, Ana Nomaly

(Ana Nomaly, one two three four)

Albums has song "Ana Nomaly"