Age Of Reason

Song info

"Age Of Reason" (2007)

"Age Of Reason" Videos

"Age of Reason" xDisciplex A.D.
"Age of Reason" xDisciplex A.D.
Top Tracks - xDISCIPLEx A.D.
Top Tracks - xDISCIPLEx A.D.
All Tracks - xDISCIPLEx A.D.
All Tracks - xDISCIPLEx A.D.
Popular Videos - xDISCIPLEx A.D.
Popular Videos - xDISCIPLEx A.D.
xdisciplex A.D. "counterfeit"
xdisciplex A.D. "counterfeit"
xDisciplex A D    Trial by fire
xDisciplex A D Trial by fire
xdisciplex A.D. "heart strings broken"
xdisciplex A.D. "heart strings broken"
xDisciplex(Heart strings broken)
xDisciplex(Heart strings broken)
xDICIPLESx A.D  River Of Life
xDICIPLESx A.D River Of Life
XdiscipleX A.D. - So I send you ''Original version''
XdiscipleX A.D. - So I send you ''Original version''
xDisciplex AD - Two Faced
xDisciplex AD - Two Faced
XdiscipleX A.D. - One Voice for Counterrevolution
XdiscipleX A.D. - One Voice for Counterrevolution
xdisciplex A.D. "refuge and strength"
xdisciplex A.D. "refuge and strength"
The Age of Reason and Revival- #8 of The History of the Christian Church
The Age of Reason and Revival- #8 of The History of the Christian Church
xDisciplex AD- Candy Apple
xDisciplex AD- Candy Apple
XdiscipleX A.D. - Baregrounds
XdiscipleX A.D. - Baregrounds
Disciple AD - All or Nothing
Disciple AD - All or Nothing
xDISCIPLEx-shallow grave (sumthin' to prove cover)
xDISCIPLEx-shallow grave (sumthin' to prove cover)
xdisciplex scarab
xdisciplex scarab


The tightope I walk everyday you choose your own path and i'll choose mine you self centered life that's where
I draw the line your age of reason you let me down show no discipline I'll kiss the ground age of reason let me
down vanity and selfishness in shallow water I won't drown I won't kneel down for you and kiss your hand of hope
i'll cope and deal with what's inside me not how you deceive to believe in your lies humanitys destruction is what
you leave behind.

Albums has song "Age Of Reason"