A Message From Our Sponsors

Song info

"A Message From Our Sponsors" (2007)

"A Message From Our Sponsors" Videos

Millennial International: Sponsor a Millennial Today
Millennial International: Sponsor a Millennial Today
MIT-Harvard Conference on the Uyghur Human Rights Crisis
MIT-Harvard Conference on the Uyghur Human Rights Crisis
Black Horse of Famine, the GSM Seal is Broken Economist Magazine Cover (2019)
Black Horse of Famine, the GSM Seal is Broken Economist Magazine Cover (2019)
Айсултан - как в 22 года снимать клипы мировым звездам / вДудь
Айсултан - как в 22 года снимать клипы мировым звездам / вДудь
NSA Darpa CIA Brought Us Much of Social Media According to Technocracy News
NSA Darpa CIA Brought Us Much of Social Media According to Technocracy News
Breaking the Iranian Embassy Siege - Operation Nimrod
Breaking the Iranian Embassy Siege - Operation Nimrod
PBS NewsHour full episode April 22, 2019
PBS NewsHour full episode April 22, 2019
Live Taping of “The Axe Files” with Jon Stewart, hosted by David Axelrod
Live Taping of “The Axe Files” with Jon Stewart, hosted by David Axelrod
Russell Moore | The Storm Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home
Russell Moore | The Storm Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home
The Putin Files: Julia Ioffe
The Putin Files: Julia Ioffe
Ходорковский - об олигархах, Ельцине и тюрьме / вДудь
Ходорковский - об олигархах, Ельцине и тюрьме / вДудь
Matt Taibbi | The News Media and Manufacturing Consent in the 21st Century
Matt Taibbi | The News Media and Manufacturing Consent in the 21st Century
Canvas Cathedral: Billy Graham's Crisis of Faith | Billy Graham TV Special
Canvas Cathedral: Billy Graham's Crisis of Faith | Billy Graham TV Special
Port of Antwerp
Port of Antwerp
25 October 2017
25 October 2017
Washington REALTORS
Washington REALTORS
Kenya's deputy president accuses opposition leader of sponsoring election violence
Kenya's deputy president accuses opposition leader of sponsoring election violence
American Council on Education
American Council on Education
Who IS the Greatest Threat to Your Privacy  Google or Facebook
Who IS the Greatest Threat to Your Privacy Google or Facebook


Fill my Head, Fill my Head, with shallow dreams and hopes of things that I can not achieve
Sixteen minutes for every sixty is devoted to the selling of me...

( I'm hating it! )

You best drive a fast car or a big bad SUV you best not be going bald or dealing with impotency...
Feel my arteries hardening, speeding up my death, let's hope the funeral parlor commercial is next.
Or life insurance at freedom by age fifty-five, so I'll get thirty more years to consume before I die!

- Four out of Five Doctors prefer selling prescriptions for commission then helping the health care system.
News Flash! Our culture is dying... This new god is lying.
Technology is raping us all for the taking! -
Feel my status growing, now this is success.
I can only hope that my ego can handle this... made from magazine cut-outs and your stupid fucking surveys...
Telling me what products I need to consume so that I can get laid.

(- Four out of Five...)

[We're all dying...Face it... This is the best that we could... Is this the best that we could do?]
Why... Isn't this more sad? I'm sure you could but the cure to a broken heart.... Consume!
And now, a message from our Sponsors....

Albums has song "A Message From Our Sponsors"