Mandela Effect
2017 15 songs
- (X) (Intro)
- (Y) (Interlude)
- (Z) (Outro)
- Afrikan Spaceship [King Britt Rework]
- Afrikan Spaceship [Ras G Ghettoscifi Remix]
- Afrikan Spaceship [Shabazz Palaces Rework]
- Etherwave
- Maniac Depressant [Innsyter Remix]
- Show
- The Conspiracy [Santiro Romeri Remix]
- The Kill [Moor Mother Remix]
- Vinaigrette [Dave Parley Remix]
- When I Die [IMD Remix]
- Your Maker [Anna Wise Remaker]
- Your Maker [Daddy G Remix]

2016 18 songs
- Afrikan Spaceship 2016
- Carolyn Shadows 2016
- Devils 2016
- Greasemonkey 2016
- Krishna Punk 2016
- Last Nightmare 2016
- Maniac Depressant 2016
- Ole Man Sufferah 2016
- Poltergeist 2016
- Prints of Sin 2016
- Shakin Parasites 2016
- Surfinfinity 2016
- The Conspiracy 2016
- The Jinx 2016
- The Kill 2016
- Vinaigrette 2016
- When I Die 2016
- Your Maker 2016
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