26 songs
- Knuckle Duster (Radio 1-A) 2015
- Children of the Grave 2008
- Cosmic Monster 2008
- Crow II 2008
- Disaster Blaster 2 2008
- Drowning the Colossus 2008
- Eighty-Eight/Fast Jungle 2008
- El Phantasmo 2008
- Electric Head Pt1 2008
- Electric Head Pt2 2008
- God Of Thunder 2008
- Knuckle Duster 2008
- Knuckle Duster (Radio 2-B) 2008
- Knuckle Duster 2 2008
- Love Razor 2008
- One 2008
- One Big Crunch 2008
- The One 2008
- Thunder Kiss 2008
- Welcome to Planet MF 2008
- Electric Head Part 1 Agony 2006
- Electrichead Part 2 Ecstasy 2006
- Hands Of Death (burn, Baby, Burn) 2006
- Spiderboy 2006
- The Great American Nightmare 2006
- Welcome To Planet Motherfucker 2006

It Came From N.Y.C
2016 20 songs
- Black Friday 2016
- Dead or Alive 2016
- Magdalene 2016
- Paradise Fireball 2016
- Rain Insane 2016
- Red River Flow 2016
- Cat's Eye Resurrection 2008
- Gentleman Junkie 2008
- Gun Crazy 2008
- Kick 2008
- King Of Souls 2008
- Memphis 2008
- Pig Heaven 2008
- Ratmouth 2008
- Shack Of Hate 2008
- Slaughter The Grey 2008
- Tales From The Scarecrowman 2008
- True Crime 2008
- Eighty Eight 2006
- Fast Jungle 2006

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
2008 20 songs
- Acid Flesh 2008
- Demon Speed 2008
- Feed The Gods 2008
- Godslayer 2008
- Gun Crazy 2008
- I Am Hell 2008
- I'm Your Boogieman 2008
- Pig Heaven 2008
- Power Hungry 2008
- Ratfinks, Suicide Tanks, And Cannibal Girls 2008
- Real Solution #9 2008
- Slaughter The Grey 2008
- Spiderbaby 2008
- Blood, Milk And Sky 1995
- Blur The Technicolor 1995
- Creature Of The Wheel 1995
- Grease Paint And Monkey Brains 1995
- I, Zombie 1995
- More Human Than Human 1995
- Super-charger Heaven 1995

Supersexy Swingin' Sounds
1996 11 songs
- I'm Your Boogieman 2008
- Real Solution #9 2008
- Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama [Wine, Women & Song Mix] 2006
- Blood, Milk And Sky 1995
- Blur The Technicolor 1995
- Electric Head Pt. 1 (the Agony) 1995
- Electric Head Pt.2 (the Ectasy) 1995
- Grease Paint And Monkey Brains 1995
- I, Zombie 1995
- More Human Than Human 1995
- Super-charger Heaven 1995

Astro-Creep 2000: Songs Of Love, Destruction, And Other Synthetic Delusions Of The Electric Head
1995 11 songs
- Real Solution #9 2008
- Blood, Milk And Sky 1995
- Blur The Technicolor 1995
- Creature Of The Wheel 1995
- El Phantasmo And The Chicken-run Blast-o-rama 1995
- Electric Head Pt. 1 (the Agony) 1995
- Electric Head Pt.2 (the Ectasy) 1995
- Grease Paint And Monkey Brains 1995
- I, Zombie 1995
- More Human Than Human 1995
- Super-charger Heaven 1995

Astro-Creep: 2000
1995 10 songs
- Blood, Milk And Sky 1995
- Blur The Technicolor 1995
- Creature Of The Wheel 1995
- El Phantasmo And The Chicken-run Blast-o-rama 1995
- Electric Head Pt. 1 (the Agony) 1995
- Electric Head Pt.2 (the Ectasy) 1995
- Grease Paint And Monkey Brains 1995
- I, Zombie 1995
- More Human Than Human 1995
- Super-charger Heaven 1995

La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Vol. 1
1992 10 songs

Nightcrawlers: The KMFDM Remixes
1992 1 songs

Make Them Die Slowly
1989 7 songs

Soul Crusher
1987 10 songs