12 songs

When I Go E.P.
2013 9 songs

Look Closer
2011 15 songs

Shooting Stars
2011 17 songs
- Acting Crazy 2011
- Ariana 2011
- Criminal 2011
- Greater Heights 2011
- Half Of Everything 2011
- Her Lullaby 2011
- Long Lights On Fast Planes 2011
- Never Go Back 2011
- Out In The Cold 2011
- Take a Chance 2011
- Talking To Myself 2011
- The Camera Doesn't Lie, But You Do 2011
- The Moment It Breaks 1 2011
- Vanilla 2011
- Why Do I Care 2011
- World's Apart 2011
- Yes, That Did Just Happen 2011