36 songs
- Uefa Champions League Theme 2013
- 02. Accompagnato For Tenor: Comfort Ye My People 2006
- 03. Air For Tenor: Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted 2006
- 04. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord 2006
- 05. Accompagnato For Bass: Thus Saith The Lord 2006
- 06. Air For Alto: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming? 2006
- 07. Chorus: And He Shall Purify 2006
- 11. Air For Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness 2006
- 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born 2006
- 15. Recitative For Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them 2006
- 17. Chorus: Glory To God 2006
- 19. Recitative For Alto: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind 2006
- 20. Air For Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd 2006
- 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy And His Burthen Is Light 2006
- 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God 2006
- 23. Air For Alto: He Was Despised 2006
- 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs 2006
- 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed 2006
- 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray 2006
- 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God 2006
- 29. Accompagnato For Tenor: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart 2006
- 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him 2006
- 36. Air For Alto: Thou Art Gone Up On High 2006
- 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word 2006
- 38. Air For Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them 2006
- 39. Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out 2006
- 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder 2006
- 42. Recitative For Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven 2006
- 43. Air For Tenor: Thou Shalt Break Them 2006
- 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! 2006
- 45. Air For Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth 2006
- 48. Air For Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound 2006
- 49. Recitative For Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass 2006
- 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God 2006
- 52. Air For Soprano: If God Be For Us 2006
- 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain 2006
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